The Crown of the Mauri Nation administrators are working tiredessly to bring you a seemless due process for your suv'eranty walk.  Here is the process for all who choose to walk this path.

Live Life Clams Due Process

  1. Apply for a Purple Thumb Live Life Claim. Click Here
  2. Apply for Suv'eran Notary Services if you wish to have your claims notarised with gold seals by the Private Notary. Click Here
  3. Apply for a Sea Pass. Click Here
  4. Apply for an Exemption from weaing a face mask Card. Click Here
  5. Apply for an Exemption Letter for Vaccinations, Quarantine, PCR Tests & Restricted Travel. Click Here
  6. You can also apply for a Personal Private Unincorporated Seal.

Suv'eran Due Process 30min Mentoring

If you feel you need mentoring, you can apply for a 30min session with a Principal. 
Mentoring from Tumuaki Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III:  Click Here
Mentoring from Rhys-T: O'Leary: Click Here
Mentoring from Andrew Devine: Click Here

Private Foundation Due Process

Do you want to transition your business into an unincorporated Private Foundation and is not affiliated with the government system. You will require mentoring to learn this private process and have your documents created: Click Here
You will also be required to apply for a Private Foundation Seal.

Suv'eran Charter Due Process

Want to get involved and start a charter as a Kaitiaki (Guardian) This involves creating an unincorporated charter in your area with a unique name.  Sharing your knowledge with other 'transitioning suv'erans' and building your charter to 7 Unincoroporated Private Foundations with your collective.  
You will also be required to apply for a Charter Seal.

Suv'eran Notary Due Process

Want to get involved and be a private Notary for your charter, This involves transititioning 50 Purple Thumb Community live life claimants into the charter with 7 unincorporated Private Foundations.  You would require mentoring from the Purple Thumb Principals on the due process and fee structure for your Notary Services.
You will also be required to apply for a Charter Seal.

Governance Due Process

Your role is just beginning.  We encourage you to be active with the passing of laws for the Crown of the Mauri Nation. We have adopted many laws that require your input and active participant in getting those laws ratified in Te Whare Runanga, thereafter given Royal Accent for all to use in our reality.
We would like to hear from you to find out what your skills and knowledge are to add to the collective and assist with the governance of our suv'eran nation. Click Here and share with us your skills and knoweldge so that you can be a pivitol part of this change today.